ICN Diplomacy Civility Training Center

Education, Consulting and Coaching  

Learn from the Top Civility Icon of the World, World Civility Leader Sir Clyde Rivers.
  • 12 Hour Course
  • Upon completion of the 12-hour training requirements students will be awarded a Phase One ICN Dialogue Diplomacy Coaching Certificate. 
  • Virtual Group Classes
Learn from the top Civility Icon of the World, World Civility Leader Sir Clyde Rivers.

His training course will show you how to develop the tools to establish a successful coaching practice in Civility Dialogue Diplomacy.

Diplomacy is used to aid effective communication, especially during negotiations and when attempting to be persuasive or assertive. With these changing times and changing cultures, you will have to learn how to communicate differently in your business relationships, generational, and in your community.

Coaching others on how to use Civility Dialogue Diplomacy appropriately can lead to improved relationships with other people, and it's a way to build and develop mutual respect, which can lead to more successful outcomes and less difficult or stressful communications.

You will learn how to coach effectively for others to communicate civilly. 

Civility Dialogue Diplomacy is a skill centered around understanding other people and being sensitive to their opinions, beliefs, ideas, and feelings.

Sir Clyde Rivers will show you how to examine the causes of the divide, bridging the divide, bringing honor into our listening and diplomacy into our dialogue. 

How to engage in the hard dialogue regarding race and race relations. 

He will teach you because we have differences, it doesn't mean wrong; it simply means another view. In this world of conformity, where people are taught only to believe one way, it has stifled and stunted our growth. This frame of thinking has created chaos in the world and has us living in a bubble. 

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